on Mondays I help out with Fellowship of Christian Athletes in my hometown. When I was in high school, I was actively involved in this club. As I have gone through college, it has slowly dwindled down and there aren't as many godly influences in that school. So, I really felt compelled to become an adult leader for this group.
this past Monday I was to speak, but I felt God leading me a different direction than what I felt I should go the week before.
I spoke to the girls (mainly all girls go, which is sad, because.. WHERE ARE ALL THE GODLY GUYS!) about God's love and how MUCH He loves us. I highlighted several verses. Of these verses as Romans 5. I love this chapter.
The video above was posted by another adult leader this morning to go along with what I spoke about and it really shook my core. Just the encouragement I needed this morning...
I have had a rough month or so. Just feeling down about some things and transitioning into other things.. God has been good through it all. Something I need to keep reminding myself is HE IS SOVEREIGN. no matter what is going on HE IS SOVEREIGN. Somehow, someway, that makes it all seem better.. even for a moment.
I hope you find encouragement through this video.
I also hope to be able to post more of my thoughts in the future. I have just been really battling some things mentally and needing to process, and sometimes, blabbing that all over the internet isn't good for anyone. So, alas, I have been silent on this part of the internet I hold.
battling not feeling good enough or that you have made a mistake, no matter how big or small it is, is tough. But He is so so good and loves us NO MATTER WHAT. We are justified. We MUST accept that, or nothing in this life will last and matter to us because we won't think we are worth it, but God screams over and over YOU ARE WORTH IT. You are SO worth it to me.
I love that.