
My name is Joanna. I am married to the man of my dreams... or really, the sort of man I dreamed about and never knew I had always wanted all in one.

We love Jesus more than anything in the whole wide world.

We live in a small town in Ohio that is sort of growing on us.

My hubby works at a local bank while I work at the university we graduated from. We also work at our church. My husband is the youth pastor there. Life is pretty busy for us both, but we make it work. I plan to get a master's degree and am currently researching all of my options.

We are the proud parents of an adorable little pup named Pumpkin.

Thanks for stopping by :)


  1. Yay for small town Ohio, me too!

    xo Shane

  2. Another Ohio girl here! I love finding fellow midwest gals! What part of Ohio are you from?! :)

  3. Me too! Currently living in Dayton - grew up in Hamilton.



    1. Oh you are so close to me then! I am in Circleville. It's roughly 1.5 hours away from Dayton. :)

  4. Hi Joanna! I found you from the Coast to Coast link! Fellow blogger here and I live in Mansfield (about 45 minutes north of Columbus).


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