Dear migraine: nobody invited you to join me last night and today. so, maybe you should leave?
Dear little debbie brownie: I WILL buy you today, and I will have NO shame eating you.
Dear twitter: I think I am starting to enjoy using you. I don't even care if nobody follows me, which you may not WANT to even follow me because sometimes I am way too sarcastic for my own good.. but I love it.
Dear husband: you are a gem. I don't know how you have managed to be married to me for over a year, but you are amazing. ah! I could go on forever....
Dear pumpkin: thanks for the snuggles today and yesterday on my sick day
Dear work: you are breezin' on by, and I LOVE it. Thank you!
Dear people banging things around next door: STOP. now.
Dear weekend: I am beyond glad you are here. ready to do NOTHING all weekend. YES!
Dear library books and all my other books: I have been neglecting you, I am sorry :(
Dear all of you: have a lovely weekend :) :)