Monday, March 25, 2013

where you're supposed to be

                                                                                          Source: via Joanna on Pinterest

where you are supposed to be...

this is pretty hard to accept sometimes. we always want MORE. More money, more food, more clothes, more HOUSE, more SOMETHING.

unless it's more school loan debt, or more problems.. then yeah, I really don't want more of that. 

but seriously. perspective. that's something I have really been trying to work on lately. it's definitely a daily battle of my mind. "i hate this weather." "i love this weather."  "i want a HOUSEEEEE." "i am okay waiting, God, if that's what you want." and so it goes...

it's funny how that works though. sometimes, okay, a LOT of the time, when we get what we want... time goes by and soon enough, we want more. sometimes i step back and think about the things I used to want. or sometimes I look around me and think about the things i am complaining about and realize.... these same 'problems' right now are things i wanted a year ago, or are the same things someone would kill for right now. BE CONTENT.

but, can I be honest here?

It's dang hard to be content.

it's hard because I start letting those things that shouldn't rule my heart, sit on the throne of my heart for far too long and have food delivered there and camp out there for monthssssssssss on end.

I really need to get that under control. It's funny. At the beginning of this year I chose a word to keep in mind for the year and focus on it:


maybe it's not funny, but it is to me. It's funny how those things I yearn to work on and get better at with God are those SAME THINGS that get harder. He always does that, doesn't He? My friend is currently working on leaping out in faith and doing things in faith. God just keeps throwing these curves, but she keeps trucking on....   It's hard, but it is so worth it.

I don't know what will happen this time next month. I don't know where we will be living. Currently, we have two offers on two houses in town. We have to wait for the bank to accept an offer.... which, on one of the houses, our offer has been in for close to 2 months. the bank got back to us last week and we sent back our "final offer" to them again. hoping, no, PRAYING, they would cave and accept our offer.  we will see... only time will tell. but seriously, I have to be honest... I am not believing that we are exactly where we are supposed to be right now...

the boxes strewn across the apartment are mirror images of my heart and mind as of late: utter shambles. Tiny boxes full of hope and yet, nowhere to put them out upon. No where to place these hopes upon.

it's funny to me how life plays out and how God likes to "come to my rescue" at the last second. It's seriously my life. I need to get used to it eventually. i need to start believing He will come through for us. and I need to understand that, chances are, it will be at the very last moment when we need him to make a clutch shot and win the game, that He will do so AND THEN SOME.

okay, God... we are ready for the clutch shot to be made :)


  1. Cannot wait for Him to make that clutch shot! <3

  2. I always have to remember (especially this week) that if Jesus would have given His followers exactly what they asked for, exactly when they asked for it... He would have gotten off the cross. And then where would we be? He always knows our greater necessity, and never holds back. Here's to the "then some" :)

    1. Oh, this is so true! And sometimes, I am GLAD he didn't give me some things I asked for! I will know why all this waiting was for one day. I am excited for the "and then some" that's for sure! :)

  3. This is probably the best post I've ever read :)

  4. I feel ya girl! I think that everyone makes out life after college to be so perfect, but it doesn't always happen that way. I hope that whatever God wants for you and Aaron that He will reveal it and it will be so obvious that you will know exactly what to do. Praying for you lovely!

    1. oh yes. Everyone thinks it is going to be a certain way.. and it usually NEVER is. Thanks for the prayers :)

  5. That saying always gets me...especially during times like right now where I'm at a job that I absolutely do not like. You think, "God, am I really where I'm supposed to be? Or am I pushing you out and listening to what I want?". I really wrestle with that. And being content?? I fail at that every single day. I'm always wanting a better job, a better house, a better car...I compare my life all the time.

    Praying that the Lord will help us BOTH to be content with what He has blessed us with and to surrender our lives to Him when it becomes about us.

    1. Oh this is SO true Kasey! Even today, days after writing this, I am struggling with wanting MORE and not being content or at least recognizing a blessing in the struggle. Praying the Lord WILL help us both! We do just need to remember this life is about HIM and not us.. but it's so hard to do!

  6. God always comes through when you need Him most. It's so hard to trust that when you're in crisis though huh? It is for me, for sure! Love that picture though, so true! Even though we don't realize it. :)

    1. He definitely does! And yes, it is SO hard to trust, especially in struggle!


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