Friday, April 5, 2013

on good intentions and motivation


Good intentions. Seriously, I have them! I really do.

But, lesbihonest... if given the choice between a pizza and netflix night, and running.. I would choose the former.

also? When the choice of "my bed" is put up against... well, any other choice, I will always choose MY BED. We got a good thing going, people.

So... that's where all of my good intentions go. To bed, with me.. when I sleep, happy.

Basically, I am lacking motivation. I have a pinterest board that is supposed to be there to inspire me and give me really awesome workouts that will change my liiiifeeeeee..... but, I don't look at them. OR! I look at them while I am stuffing my face with chocolate.

Do any of you have any advice for me? I have great intentions to get up in the morning and DO something other than get ready for work, but.. alas, my bed always always ALWAYS wins.


  1. Girl, I am the SAME WAY. My bed always sounds better than anything else.
    Maybe put your workout clothes right next to your bed, so when your alarm goes off to work out, your clothes are right there waiting for you! ;D

    I know...that was no help at all haha


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