Friday, June 7, 2013

it's friday WHAT WHAT!

oh heyyyyyyy!
 It's been a while.

Sorry about that. 
Let's pretend you are joining me on a 15 minute break, shall we? 

If you were here you would see my new office in my new job I have had since February. You would also see that I have rearranged it (that is if you were here before I rearranged it). I have a lamp to my left and turn off the florescent lights. It's magical. Well, as magical as it can be if you are in an office all day. 

I have a window to my left as well. A FLIPPING WINDOW. See? told you... M A G I C. 

I have Wicked playing right now... oh wait, it is changing to "King of Anything" by Sara Bareilles. Fun little diddy.

So, listen. IT'S FRIDAY! And I am pumped. Not that I have a relaxing weekend planned, by any means. It just means that I don't HAVE to be in an office all day this weekend. WOOT WOOT. What do you have planned this weekend? 

Oh, well, our youth group is taking a mission trip at the end of this month and we are having a sale at the church this weekend. All proceeds go to the youth. Actually, the entire town that the church is in has these annual yard sales. So, that's what I will be doing all day Saturday. But, it should be nice out. So, that's nice :) 

Hope you have something nice planned this weekend!

Oh, what else have I been up to? Well, honestly.. not too much but a lot at the same time. I am adjusting rather well to my new job. To be honest, I was growing to really hate it. The people who call in are pretty rude sometimes and I took it personal a lot. 

What do I do? 
Funny you ask! I guess I never really explained it all... I am now an Academic Advisor for a university. It's for the adult program. So, I work for mainly adult students, but there are some youngin's in there that chose not to go the traditional route. This job pretty much seems like I work at a health insurance company and deal solely with people who HATE me. HA. You think I'm kidding. But, some days, it's nice. I have to be honest. I am really starting to get the hang of things and multitasking is a BIT better. But, it's still hard in this job. I currently work with 400 adult students. So, at any given time, ANY of them can call and or email OR come into my office to meet with me. It's insane.

BUT, honestly. It has been so much better in the last month. 

I have also interviewed for my master's program I want to get in. {!!!!!!!!!!}  I don't know if I am in yet. And I hesitated to even put anything on the internet about it because it I didn't get in I would be super sad AND embarrassed. But, hey, gotta take some chances, right? The program I want to get into is School Counseling. I really love the idea of doing it and I think it's something I was made to do. so, let's hope the school thinks so too! If I get in, then my work load will need to change a bit, but maybe that would be for the best. Currently, as it stands, I do too much and I don't think I can really balance master courses AND this job AND life AND everything. 

So, let's keep our fingers crossed that all falls into place :)

Hope you have been doing well! Feel free to tell me how you are :) 

Oh, I have also been seeing that seriously every one of my friends except one of my closests ones and myself get pregnant, have a child, or have multiple children. 

Is life just LIKE THIS when you get older? It's crazy. I have tons of gray hair and now I have to deal with this?!


Have a great Friday :)


  1. Girl FIRST OF ALL I am baby free and staying that way for awhile. You are not alone!

    I still need to email you back. I have been thinking about it every single day but I'm a mess so it hasn't happened yet. BUT I've been praying for you! LOVE YOU!

    1. HAHA I know i knoooowwwww I thought of you too for that ;)

      And it's okay! You are way busy, so no worries at all! We should get together soon.. sometime, ANY TIME. Miss you!!

  2. You have an office window?? LUCKY (in the Napolean Dynamite voice of course)

    Everybody and their MOM is pregnant right now. It's insane. And you know what? It's the greatest birth control for me :D

    And I'm a little sad to hear that the new job is a lot to handle! I actually just applied for the same type of position at a few different schools out here haha, so it's pretty funny that you said that! I hope you get into the masters program that you applied for!! And don't be embarassed if God closes that door. We'll still love ya!

    1. I do!!! And I AM so so lucky!!!! haha Seriously. So lucky! I gotta keep telling myself that.

      And haha! Oh I agree, so so much. So many babieeeesss

      The job IS a lot to handle, but I am slowly but surely getting the hang of it. No worries :) You would be great at it! Don't take my word for it! Hoping you get the job somewhere!

      and thank you! :) I sure hope I do too. But, He knows His plans, so if I don't get it, there must be a reason! Honestly, I almost don't know HOW to be a student anymore. So if I do get accepted, I will be nervous about that TOO. Ohhhh the irony ;/


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