Wednesday, May 23, 2012

tids + bits


+Spending time with friends and husband at a Clipper's baseball game. It was fun to see our old friend Steve and Lauren. It was Dime a Dog night so every hotdog was 10 cents. WHAAATT? It was a lot of fun!

+My youngest sister is graduating on SUNDAY! What in the world. She had an award ceremony on school called, "Night Of Distinction". There she won 4 scholarships for college! Yay, Toni :)

+(not pictured) Aaron and I singing songs from various Disney movies this morning while we got ready. i love him.

+ A good friend stopped by my office yesterday and it was awesome just to see her. 

annndddd that's about it for my tids +bits these past few days/week.



  1. looks like you've been having fun :)
    p.s. thanks for your comment friend :D

    1. I HAVE been having fun.... looks like you have too :)

  2. sounds like a great week! i cant believe hotdogs were only 10 cents, thats ridiculous! i've been to a ton of baseball games {my brother and boyfriend both play} and never once have i gotten a hotdog for 10 cents! congrats to your sister too, that awesome she won so many awards!!
    and thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment and follow!! :) i really like your blog so im your newest follower!! :)

    1. Well, hello! Thanks for the follow :) I love love love your blog, so I am flattered :)
      And yes, it IS amazing it is 10 cents! haha There were lots of long lines for those bad boys, too. thanks for the congrats to my sister, she definitely deserves it, she worked really hard!!

  3. You think your sister graduating is younger sister is getting married...eek! I am so glad I stumbled upon your cute following along :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

    1. HI there! :)
      I couldn't IMAGINE my youngest sister getting married, or any of my three sisters getting married! YIKES!! and thanks for the follow :)

  4. Hey there! I just stumbled across your blog this morning.
    Quick question: I am assuming the Huntington Park sign is in California, right?
    I am from there, but moved when I was young because my mom remarried.
    AND.. you are your sista are soo cute!
    much love, Colie.

    1. Hey back atcha!! Actually, it's in Volumbus, Ohio! How cool you are from Cali! My sister lived there and I have family there! I am actually from Nevada, and moved to Circleville because of my grandparents splitting (i grew up living with them).
      Thanks for stopping by and haha I won't tell my sister you said that... She can get a big head ;) juuusttt kidding!
      havr a great day!


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