Wednesday, August 8, 2012

disappointments are the PITS

It really stinks when you want something so bad and then it doesn't happen. 

It really stinks when you get disappointed that it DOESN'T happen. 

I guess God has other plans for us that we do, and that's ok, but sometimes.. I am not ok with it. Sometimes I want to whine like a baby and throw a tantrum and be ticked off for, oh, A YEAR. 

But other times, I need to realize that this life ISN'T about me. It isn't about you, it isn't about stuff or degrees or jobs or anything like that. It's about Him. It's about pleasing Him, showing others His love through our lives and about knowing Him personally.

So, I guess it is ok when things don't work out. It just gives us more time to work on seeking His presence over his presents and to really relish our moments with Him. 

I hope that through life's disappointments I will realize that He is the One I should've been seeking all along..... all the extra stuff is just a perk, or sometimes, a distraction. 

hopefully I will be back later today with something a little more uplifting and fun ;)



  1. I couldn't agree more! It's hard when you're in it but this is a great reminder :)

    1. yes, it is very hard. but in the end, it is worth it! Just gotta keep pushing through :)

  2. Girl, I feel ya. I think God's been consistently showing me reliance on him because there's been so much disappointment in my life these last few months! We'll make it through it all though friend and hopefully it will make us all the stronger for future events...right? :)

    1. I am sorry to hear all this disappointment is going on in your part of the world too :( It's just.. bleh. YES! We WILL make it through and hopefully will learn our fair share in the meantime :)

  3. I hope everything is ok, girl! I know exactly what you mean. I've become extremely familiar with disappointments the last few years. I love you!

    1. everything is ok, life is just hard sometimes!! It's sad, but true. LOVE YOU TOO!

  4. Check out my blog today. I nominated you for a couple blog awards. Don't feel obligated to take part, I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, so no biggy!

    Yes I hope you are okay. It's hard sometimes letting go of our plans or what we expected, for God's plans. But aren't they always better?

    1. oh yay! that was so sweet of you to nominate me! I hope to be able to post about it once life settles down:) Thanks for thinking of me!

      And yes, I am ok! Thanks for checking :) Life is just hard and so is getting your hopes up about things. I need to remind myself daily that God's ways are not my ways, and His plans are ALWAYS better!


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