Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I had a splinter in my finger for 3 days.


this post has nothing too interesting in it. I am going through a really rough patch in life. there isn't much pep in my step, so to speak, and not much going on in my brain. I have literally sat here today and just felt so BLAH.

I have been feeling pretty down about a few things. Some of which aren't mine to share, so, obviously I won't. But, it is SO HARD going through stuff with someone else or trying to process the hardships of others. I wish I could fix the world's problems, but I just can't figure out how on my own.. so so grateful for Jesus.

I, did, however apply for my masters. I have been fairly hesitant on divulging that on the interwebs, but, listen, this place is for me, so I need to share it. I applied! WOO! haha now, to wait for the transcripts to be delivered, the 3 recommendations to get in and for a faculty review. If I get the 'okay' from that review, then I am selected to participate in a group interview where I will interview (obvs) and do a writing sample right then and there.. from THERRRRE I will find out if I get accepted in the program or not. so, FUN STUFF GUYS. say a little prayer for me, will ya?

So, all of this going on and NOT going on, I just have nothing much to say lately. I have nothing good and exciting to report. We have some mice in our old old house/apartment, so, there ya go.. MORE FUN STUFF! 

I guess I am just feeling so blah.. that's the only way to describe it. 

Oh, also? I went on a retreat this weekend that kicked my butt. I hope to share about it soon.. but, perhaps that's why I feel this way? Maybe I am just tired.. oh, and I really did have a splinter in my finger for 3 days.. just got it out this morning. so, yeah, there IS something good going on! haha

SO! I found some cute/funny/inspiring stuff on pinterest and wanted to share:

Source: via Joanna on Pinterest

I hope and pray I get out of this funk soon. I hope things start panning out how I thought they would. Also, I hope the sun would come out a little more, or that I can embrace the cold more, because, I really think it will be a nasty winter this year... we shall see.

later days!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry about the rough patch you're going through! But I am SO happy you applied for your masters!! I know you will get in. I know it. Especially if this is what you're meant to do :)

    Love you!


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