Friday, January 25, 2013

friday's lettters: 1/25/13

dear friday, you have been good to me. thank you!!

dear phone, I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU. I am so glad that you die every 5 minutes and don't really work. I cannot wait until my upgrade.

dear hair, I think you are growing on me. (speaking of which, I NEED TO SHARE!!)

dear houses that are for sale online one day and then not the next, you guys suck. getting my hopes up and everything and then BAM.

dear house-hunting, oi. headaches.

dear God, thank you for your many blessings you have been giving to us. I thank you for all the good things you are bringing our way.

dear new job, I AM SO EXCITED TO START YOU!! (oh man, I still have to share THAT too!)

dear current job, I won't miss you, per say.. I will miss the people, my boss. My boss is seriously the best boss. It will be hard leaving, but I am excited for a new adventure.

dear frozen apartment, i can't move my fingers very well to type this. WARM UP, DUDE.

dear husband, I am so proud of you for finishing your second class for your master's degree! You are awesome!!! I LOVE YOU :)

dear pinterest, you need to stop tempting me. I think we need a break.. some separation. it's not you, it's.. ah, who am I kidding, it IS you!

dear readers, thank you for all your sweet comments! Life has been quite a whirlwind and I hope to be able to comment back soon :)

dear weekend, be kind to us. last weekend was FULL of moving people and never resting... I hope we can get recharged this weekend.

have a good weekend :)


  1. Girl I hate my phone too!! I wanna chuck it out the window!!! haha

  2. YAY FOR NEW JOBS!!!!! BOOOO to house hunting. Just looking at listings makes me want to sob. Can I hire someone to do house hunting for me?

    I LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Haha, this post is cute. And I know how you feel about your phone. Stupid technology.
    Jillian -


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