Tuesday, November 20, 2012

rocky road and relaxation

This week has already been SO busy. I keep forgetting that I only work 3 days this week.

Today was pretty busy, but went very smoothly.
I am pretty grateful for that. 

Tonight has consisted of nothing more than... 
the internet
rocky road ice cream
ice cold water
being warm and cozy
wearing 2 different socks
sinfeld and other shows
R E L A X I N G.

the relaxing. I can't forget about that. 
I am OH SO thankful for the relaxing. 
I know so many people who don't seem to have that luxury these days with work
and school and life and marriage and friends taking priority. So,

I am being grateful for this chance to relax.

Yeah, sure. my house is A MESS. there are tons of dishes in the kitchen
needing to be cleaned.
There are baskets full of clothes in my living room needing to be put away.
There is tons of laundry needing to be washed in the laundry room...

you name it, it needs cleaned. 

But, that can wait. 



Thursday, November 15, 2012


random wedding picture that has nothing to do with anything, I just love it.

If you remember, Thursday is one of my favorite days! I still don't know why, but I just love them.
Today was extra special because I found out I won a blog giveaway!! I am pretty excited about it :) go check out Daina and the other gals! They are great!

I hope you all are having a great week. I know that this week as been particularly tough. It has been tough waking up in the mornings and trying to do anything productive after work. I have been feeling pretty sluggish and down right down. Soooo worn out. 

So, I am ready for the weekend. Also, some thanks. Here are my five thanks on thursday for this Thursday :)


I am trying to come up with some thanks that I normally view as "not so good", but realize I am blessed to have them.

1. I am blessed to have somewhere to live. Although our apartment isn't ideal for us anymore, I am truly thankful to have somewhere to live. I am thankful to have air conditioning and heat, as well as a space heater, etc. I am thankful for a home filled with STUFF, even though it is annoying that it is everywhere sometimes. Aaron and I are still in the process of looking/thinking/praying for a home for us to purchase. After we didn't get a house we put a bid on, we got pretty discouraged. We resenting our current home, and hated it. How selfish. Just learning to be thankful in all circumstances. Many people would kill to have a place to stay even for one night, and we get to LIVE there.

2. I am thankful for clothes. I am thankful that although I have TONS of clothes that I rarely wear, but are somehow thrown all over the house throughout the week, I am thankful I have them. I hope that I can start being more mindful regarding purchases as well as taking time to go through my clothes (and Aaron's!) to be able to give those to someone who may not have many clothes at all.

3. I am thankful for the job I currently have. I complain about being so busy sometimes and how I want to punch my own face in, but I am thankful that I HAVE a job. I have the best boss. He is so understanding when I need time off, and he laughs at how insane I am at work and the weird things I say... so that is awesome. I am grateful that I work in an environment where I feel accepted (for the most part). I am thankful that somehow, someway, this job is preparing me for my future and a job I really hope to have some day!

4. I am thankful for family. I know I have said this thanks before but... I need to keep reminding myself that family is a good thing. Growing up I had some unfortunately things happen within my family. To me, family was just 'there'. Sometimes, family was out to ruin your life. And, still, others, family was there as a support system. Lately, I have really been seeing that my family, although MENTALLY INSANE, and unstable, my family is mine. Those who continue to stay there and support me and my sisters are amazing.. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

5. and finally... I am thankful for today. Although I didn't want to get up today, I am glad I did. I am glad that I came to work. I am thankful for this dang insurance meeting I have to go to. I am thankful I have an OPPORTUNITY for insurance. I am just really blessed.

I have been to 5 other countries serving in mission trips, and various places in the USA. Each time it has reminded me that I have SO SO MUCH. I have been given so much. When I think back on those people who have nothing, but prepared a meal and asked me over, I get this overwhelming feeling that I have TOO MUCH. I need to share it with others. I need to bless others with it. I just... I can't explain it. I hope that you can look at your life and know you are blessed despite your thinking so. And to think it not just during the holiday seasons, but all year round.  

Hopefully these don't bore too many people out there.. just trying to remember for myself, the things I should be thankful for instead of grumbling about them!


Have a lovely day :) Maybe, just maybe I will be back soon.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I had a splinter in my finger for 3 days.


this post has nothing too interesting in it. I am going through a really rough patch in life. there isn't much pep in my step, so to speak, and not much going on in my brain. I have literally sat here today and just felt so BLAH.

I have been feeling pretty down about a few things. Some of which aren't mine to share, so, obviously I won't. But, it is SO HARD going through stuff with someone else or trying to process the hardships of others. I wish I could fix the world's problems, but I just can't figure out how on my own.. so so grateful for Jesus.

I, did, however apply for my masters. I have been fairly hesitant on divulging that on the interwebs, but, listen, this place is for me, so I need to share it. I applied! WOO! haha now, to wait for the transcripts to be delivered, the 3 recommendations to get in and for a faculty review. If I get the 'okay' from that review, then I am selected to participate in a group interview where I will interview (obvs) and do a writing sample right then and there.. from THERRRRE I will find out if I get accepted in the program or not. so, FUN STUFF GUYS. say a little prayer for me, will ya?

So, all of this going on and NOT going on, I just have nothing much to say lately. I have nothing good and exciting to report. We have some mice in our old old house/apartment, so, there ya go.. MORE FUN STUFF! 

I guess I am just feeling so blah.. that's the only way to describe it. 

Oh, also? I went on a retreat this weekend that kicked my butt. I hope to share about it soon.. but, perhaps that's why I feel this way? Maybe I am just tired.. oh, and I really did have a splinter in my finger for 3 days.. just got it out this morning. so, yeah, there IS something good going on! haha

SO! I found some cute/funny/inspiring stuff on pinterest and wanted to share:

Source: iobad.com via Joanna on Pinterest

I hope and pray I get out of this funk soon. I hope things start panning out how I thought they would. Also, I hope the sun would come out a little more, or that I can embrace the cold more, because, I really think it will be a nasty winter this year... we shall see.

later days!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


i love repping my ohio voting sticker. we ARE the heart of it all :)

I feel so American voting on Election Day. I can't help it. I don't voice my opinions out there loud and clear for all to hear. 

All I want to say is: I am proud to be a woman and to have the right to vote. I am grateful that my voice matters. Living in Ohio has a plus side when elections come because I sort of feel like my vote has a little more 'umph' to it. Who knows.. maybe I am just corny. But that's how I feel. 

And lastly, I just urge us all to think on these things. trust in your convictions and your heart. vote on issues that matter to YOU. don't vote one way because your family has always voted that way, or your spouse or significant other does. Know what matters to YOU and vote. Be educated. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

five thanks on thursday: november

Since November is the month of thanksgiving, I am going to continue on with my five thanks on thursday... here goes:

1) I am thankful for family. my family has had its string of tragedies, especially lately... and I just don't know what to do. some days I am so sick of them I could scream, leave and never come back. other days, I can't get enough of them, I can't pray for them enough or encourage them enough. today I am just super thankful for family as I am reminded of those who are without families. without support from BLOOD. without the love and grace given to them. there are children all over the world who have to grow up without their own flesh and blood... I feel for them. as sucky as family is, it really is true that you can't live without them.

2) I am thankful for friends. today I have been blessed by encouragement from friends I rarely get to talk to and some of my best friends. I am grateful that I am in a position at work where I have people come by (rarely, but they do!) and talk about life. I am grateful that one of my very best friends in the entire world works where I work and we can go to lunch together and just talk about our struggles and encourage each other. I am just so blessed. There was a time I never ever thought I would have friends or had friends.. and when I look back on those times, I can't help but fall back into that thought.. it's times like today where I am reminded I am not alone

3) this is going to sound stupid but.. I am thankful that I have access to the internet. Today I took it for granted for a short time and everything went wrong. I am just glad I have a way to connect with people through that avenue.

4) I am thankful that I am one step closer to making my dreams come true in regard to school. I have finished a big part of my application that just kept bringing me down.. I am waiting to re-read it and hopefully submit it tomorrow... I am so grateful and keep praying the God's hope is for me to do it too, which I really feel it is or else I wouldn't pursue it

5) I am grateful for my husband and his life. My aunt's fiance was stabbed last night as he was trying to protect a girl who was being chased by a thief.. this man saved her life. My aunt is in utter shock and hurt and so many feelings I cannot even describe. This just makes me look at my own life and the things I have and be so SO SO THANKFUL for them even MORE because it just shows how precious life is. Just hours before that he was talking to her... it's crazy to think that life is so short. I am thankful for my husband who loves me despite my horrible, terrible flaws and sins. I am thankful that he laughs at me even when I am probably not very funny. I am thankful that he is ALIVE and WELL and LOVES ME. I am just SO THANKFUL. I take him for granted almost daily... and I am trying to work on that. It's easy when you see that person all the time... but, don't forget, life is very short, even if we live to be 100.

What are you thankful for? :)

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